Archive for September, 2015

7 posts found

Windows 10 - Smash Your Face 1

September 26, 2015
What is really happening with Windows 10?

Run Windows 2000 in QEMU on Linux

September 25, 2015
This quick guide goes through creating a bootable Windows 2000 CD-ROM (ISO) and then booting and installing Windows 2000 in QEMU with Ubuntu Linux as the host.

Shrink VirtualBox VDI Hard Disks 2

September 25, 2015
How to go about shrinking dynamic hard disks in with VirtualBox to free up some disk space on the host.

What happens if you run rm -rf / on Linux?

September 25, 2015
What really happens? I'll show you.

Install VirtualBox Additions in Ubuntu Guests

September 25, 2015
Hot to install necessary dependencies before installing the guest additions.

Install a Custom or Mainline Kernel on Ubuntu

September 17, 2015
This is a quick guide to build and install the latest mainline kernel, or simply a customized one, on Ubuntu from source.

Raspberry Pi 2 Console Game Emulator with Recalbox

September 17, 2015
Create a console game emulator for a variety of systems on a Raspberry Pi 2 with little effort.